Six Week Online Course in Creative Writing and Nature Connection

Discover creative writing by walking in nature, be inspired by your surroundings, and reconnect with your creative passion.

Join our six-week course online course in creative writing and nature connection to awaken your creativity and unlock your inner writer.  Awaken the Creatrix is an online writing and walking adventure you can join from wherever you live in the world. 

The Best Creative Writing Course for Writers who want to Connect with Nature

Join the Creatrix Circle to walk and write to ignite your creativity and write the words that need to be written. Walk through the seasons, connect with the source, nature, and the lunar cycles.

If you have a signature book to write, want to journal from the heart, write powerful poetry, or blog for your business and you love surrounding yourself with soul-led women who want to explore nature connection and writing then this course is for you.


Are you ready to unleash your powerful message with word magic?

Are you ready to reconnect with your creative passion and voice so that you can share your words with the world?

Are you ready to listen to the secret whispers of your soul that are getting louder?

In this course you will discover how to start writing creatively, reconnect with your creative passion and uncover your inner writer. Our fantastic expert Claire Winter will combine the use of her writing and journalism, coaching, and Nordic Walking background to help you to:


– Walk and connect deeply with Nature

– Tap into the collective consciousness 

– Ignite your Creativity and Connect to Source

– Be guided by the seasons and lunar cycles to create word magic

– Channel and evoke words that need to be heard

– Use powerful writing prompts and visualisations 

– Join a community of Soul Sisters to share your ideas and writing with

Who is this for?

This powerful circle is for soul-led leaders of the new earth, changemakers, creatives coaches, and healers who want to make a difference in the world by tuning into nature, their inner power and words.

This is for you:

– If nature and its energy calls you

– If you want to be part of a collective where writing is our combined superpower

– If you have words that need to be written

– If you want to re-ignite your creativity

– If you want a creative outlet to get clear on your next steps

– If you seek soul sisters to share your creative dreams with.

What Does the Online Course in Creative Writing Include?

You will get:


Walk and write sessions every Friday at 12pm for six weeks. See below for dates.

Creative audio prompts or visualisations to listen to on your walk.

Feedback thread to share your writing.

Bonus Workshops

Two powerful Lunar Journalling Sessions to call in what you want and let go of what no longer serves you (full moon and new moon).  See below for the dates


Lifetime access to the weekly audios and worksheets.

Facebook group (or similar space) to share your stories in.

Walk through the elements to ignite your inner writer and share your soul’s passion with the world.

How it works

You will be emailed a weekly audio and written prompt to listen to and read.

You will come back to meet on Zoom 12pm – 1pm on Friday’s.

There will be an exclusive community to share your writing and get feedback on it.

There will be bonus monthly new moon and full moon journaling workshops.

When do we start?

We start on Friday 22nd September 2023, you need to take time for your walk and then our writing session is 12pm – 1pm on Zoom. 

The dates for the Writing sessions are: 

Friday 22nd September, 12pm – 1pm

Friday 29th September, 12pm – 1pm

Friday 6th October, 12pm – 1pm

Friday 13th October, 12pm – 1pm

Friday 20th October, 12pm – 1pm

Half Term (1 week) No Sessions

Friday 3rd November 12pm – 1pm


Bonus Workshops

Setting New Moon Intentions Journalling Workshop – Monday 16th October, midday

Setting Full Moon Intentions Journalling Workshop – Monday 30th October, midday

How will an online writing course benefit me?

Creating time and space to connect with nature and your inner writer allows your creativity to shine through. 

Past course participants have written brilliant blogs for their business, come up with their new book idea, written poetry for the first time, and launched new business ideas.

Connecting with your creativity, nature and the source allows you to share your wisdom and words with the world.

Meet the expert

Claire is a word creatrix, coach, and journalist who loves being out in nature. She loves to share her love of walking and writing with people. She truly believes you can walk your way to happiness. She often spends her weekends going on long walks or paddleboarding with her family, friends and dog Leo.


She is a regular columnist for the Female CEO magazine and writes national features for 37 Families magazines, which reach 9 million readers every year. She is on a mission to help leaders, coaches, creative entrepreneurs, and change-makers ignite their creativity and share their gifts and stories with the world.


Are you ready to reconnect with your creative passion and voice so that you can share your words with the world?


Most frequently asked questions and answers

Each week you will be emailed an audio and writing prompt to listen to you your walk. We return to circle to write on zoom for an hour and share our experience.

You have lifetime access to all the writing prompts and worksheets.

Six-week access to the online circle to share your writing and get feedback from your instructor and peers.

Bonus new moon and full moon journaling workshop and worksheets.

If you cancel the course booking within 14 calendar days of receiving your order confirmation and before the start of the course without giving any reason, you are entitled to a full refund of the price paid.

Cancellations and refunds in circumstances outside those described above, and/or following the expiry of the 14-day cancellation period, are subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Cancellation and Refund policy. For the avoidance of doubt, the cancellation period will expire 14 days after the date of the Order Confirmation.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. In any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of this reimbursement.

If you start to use our services during the cancellation period (i.e. if the course commences during the 14-day cancellation period) and/or if you access the course materials via our online course spaces (i.e. via our virtual learning environment), no refund will be payable.

We start on Friday 22nd September 2023

The group size is limited to ten to ensure everyone gets attention.

Not a problem, we will create the time and space for you to explore writing and creativity at your own pace.

You are in the right place, the course will help you find your inner creatrix and unlock your inner writer.